Reverse Engineered Object: Selection


Object 1: Harmonica 

This selection felt ambitious when I first reached for it, but I thought that it would be an interesting portfolio piece. In reality, although the inside of a harmonica consists of multiple parts, the shell would be the most complex geometry I'd be dealing with. Even then, I would only need to model half of it. With that, I think that the harmonica would be challenging but doable. 

Object 2: Pencil sharpener 

Number two we got pencil sharpener! I was attracted to this piece because although it only consists of three parts, I think that it would be really satisfying to recreate. The curved shape and the indentations in the metal would be especially fun to dive into and replicate. 

Object 3: Fountain pen 

I selected a fountain pen as my third option. I would really like to model the nib because it is an interesting shape and I would like to see how I'd break its construction into steps in Rhino. 

The Verdict 

Ultimately, I am leaning towards option #2 with the pencil sharpener for a few reasons. One of those reasons is that I would be sad if I did a bad job disassembling the harmonica or pen and broke them. Also, I sometimes commit to projects more than I realistically should in the time I have to complete them. Although the other options (especially the harmonica) are exciting to think about, I do not think that I am equipped to reconstruct them in a few weeks. While option 2 seems simple, I think that there is a lot to be done and plenty of trial and error to account for. Hopefully, by the end of this project, I will have the confidence to try my hand at reconstructing the other objects I selected. 
