Mesh Mashup: Selection and Refinement

Subaquatic Living

For my final selection, I chose to refine my underwater arcade mashup. 

Peer Feedback  

Overall, I found that peer feedback definitely helped me to select a concept and refine my final design. I received alternate solutions for my concerns and interesting ideas for concepts that I was not initially interested in refining. A few suggestions helped me in narrowing down my selection to the arcade machine because they introduced ideas that I was interested in seeing the final product for. 

One suggestion to use the screen of the machine as a light source in my final render especially influenced my selection. I thought that it would be a good way take advantage of the medium and I was very interested to see what it would look like. As for my final design, I also received suggestions to make the tentacles come out of the machine rather than sitting in the corner. I agreed and returned to Tinkercad to opt for a more dynamic composition. 

Original Objects 

Below are the original Thingiverse objects that were used. 

 Arcade machine

Barnacle structure

 Beta fish


 Single barnacle



Below are my initial and adjusted Tinkercad models. I chose to make the tentacles more of a focal point with a new model and adjusted the positioning of some of the elements.  

Initial Tinkercad model. 
Adjusted Tinkercad model.

After importing my model to Meshmixer, I noticed that the tentacle on the left was visibly cut off. I returned to Tinkercad and attempted to duplicate the end of the arm and extend it. However, I was not able to sculpt it seamlessly once I imported it again. 

The wretched seam

I then chose to plane cut it and sculpt the end instead. I also ended up redoing the boundaries of the separated suckers later. 

Sculpting the tentacle.

The finished tentacle. 

Final Design 

Remix Culture 

Platforms like Thingiverse are an example of read/write culture where tools for remix are readily available. Remix is encouraged by the design of the site and by the users who populate it with their creations. My creation relates to remix through my use of the arcade machine and marine creatures obtained from creators on Thingiverse. These objects are combined in a mashup to form an underwater habitation made from an artificial object. I wanted to combine these objects to depict a man made object being reclaimed by nature. The relationship that is created juxtaposes the inorganic, man made machine and places it into the natural world where its precise lines can contrast with the organic shapes that are found in nature. 
