Mesh Mashup: Concept Generation

Remix culture: Speaking my mind with shapes 

In our connected world and with the help of the internet, remix culture is accessible and widely practiced. Open source materials and software have been a large contributor to the practice of remix culture today, which we partake in through our mashup concepts. To repurpose, redesign, and reimagine is something that I believe is innate for us as humans, and it extends to the way we consume. With remix culture growing from physical into the digital realm, we can see how much we stay the same as the world around us changes. Through remix culture, we can take control of the way we perceive information on a digital platform in the same two way manner as we do physical. Those who engage in remix culture have an opportunity to critically examine what they consume and voice their responses, which is why it is so important to encourage it. Yay critical thinking and freedom of expression!  

#1- Dilbert is "all ears", and it is a sad existence. This first mashup was a play on the popular idiom. I thought that the shapes of the character would fit well with the idea. This creation felt like a rocky start, but it was very helpful in learning how to navigate the sites that I used throughout this assignment. 



#2- A book and its spine. In a future iteration I would like to push the complexity and use of body parts to create an unsettling reaction to the inanimate book.   



#3- A landline smartphone with a nifty haptic number pad. The future is now! For this mashup, I wanted to make an object that became redundant when combined. 


iPhonechordSupportKey cap 

#4- A spacesuit that doubles as a gas mask. I initially wanted to combine objects that would render one another useless, but maybe this is practical for the interplanetary traveler who doesn't mind the vacuum of space. 

Links: Space suitGas mask 

#5- I began this mashup with an arcade machine as an aquarium, then I chose to create an underwater living space instead to depict an object being reclaimed by nature. 


barnacle structuresingle barnaclefishbeta fishseahorsetentaclearcade machine

#6- I wanted to find a way to use the lifesaver candy as a life preserver in an experiment with scale for this mashup. I created a mini lifeboat inside of a bowl of cereal to achieve this. 


bowl, life saversboatmilk texturespoonsplash

#7- I was interested in the curve of an open book sharing the shape of a hill, so I chose to create this cottage scene inspired by Kendal Murray. 


bookterrainfence, tree, cottage

#8- Here, I created a mashup of eyeglasses and headlights inspired by the shared symmetry of the 'face' of a car and that of a human.  


glasses, headlights

#9- The Antipasto tank. This idea started by comparing rolling pins to the tracks on a tank. The triangular body of the tank inspired me to expand on the idea and I added a block of cheese and a garnish.  


tank, rolling pin, cheese, garnish

#10- I wanted to take every day wear and make it uncomfortable by incorporating something sharp. This style of shoe/ roller skate is very dangerous, so I made it worse. The roller blade connection came after. 


buzzsaw wheelsshoe
